首页 -- 精彩范文 -- 精彩范文 -- 航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(D24)
distance control 远距离控制
distance correct plate 距离校正板
distance correcting mechanism of range-finder 测距仪距离校正机构
distance correction of rangefinder 测距仪距离修正
distance covered 所走距离
distance disc 定距盘
distance drive 远距离传动远距离传动装置
distance error 距离误差
distance finder 测距仪
distance finding station 测距台
distance finding station 测距台
distance finding station 测距台测距台
Distance Freight 超程运费
distance freight 海里程运费
distance freight 海里程运费;超程运费
distance from aft perpendicular to center of gravity 尾垂线至重心距离
distance from midship to center of buoyancy 浮心到船中距离浮心距中距离
distance from midship to center of floatation 浮心距船中距离漂心距船中距离
distance gauge 测距规
distance indicating automatic navigation equipment 测距自动导航设备
distance indicating automatic navigation equipment 测距自动导航设备自动测距导航设备
distance indicating automatic navigation equipment 自动测距导航设备
distance indication range 航程指示范围
distance indication 距离显示
distance indicator 航程指示器
distance indicator 计程表
distance indicator 距离指示器
distance line 定距套管
distance line 堵漏毡吊索
distance line 行动绳
distance liner 定距离套管
distance liner 定距套管
distance made good 实际航程
distance made good 准确航程
distance mark 距离标志
distance marker 距离指点标
distance marker 距离指示器
distance marker 距离指示器雷达)距标雷达)距离指点标
distance measurement equipment 测距设备
distance measurement equipment 测距装置
distance measurement equipment 测距装置测距设备
distance measurement 测距
distance measuring equipment 测距设备
distance measuring equipment 测距装置
distance mechanism 航程机构
distance meter 测距仪
distance misadjustment 测距仪距离失调
distance misadjustment 测距仪距离失调
distance of closest point of approach 会遇最近点距离
distance of radar horizon 雷达地平距离
distance of relative movement 相对运动行程
distance of sight 视距
distance of visibility 视地平距离
distance of visible horizon 视地平距离
distance over the ground 实际航程
distance piece 隔片
distance piece 间隔片
distance protection 远距离保
distance reading thermometer 遥测温度计
distance receiver 航程显示表
distance recorder 距离记录仪
distance recorder 距离记录仪;航程记录器
distance recorder 距离自动记录仪
distance relay 远距继电器
distance repeater 航距复示器
distance ring 定距环
distance root mean square 距离均方根
distance run 航程
distance run 异时观测间的位移
distance scale 距离比例尺
distance setting 距离设定
distance signal 远距离信号
distance sleeve 定距套筒
distance table 距离表
distance table 里程表
distance thermometer 遥测温度计
distance to closest point of approach 最接近点距离
distance to closest point of approach 最近会遇距离
distance to go 航行距离
distance to go 航行距离应驶距离
distance to go 应驶距离
distance to new course 从转舵到新航向的距离
distance to new course 从转舵到新航向的距离新航向航程
distance to new course 新航向航程
distance to object 至目标的距离
distance to the horizon from height of observer 测者视地平距离
distance tube 定距管
distance washer 间隔垫圈
distance water-level indicator 远距离水位指示器
distance 航程
distance 航程距离
distance 距离
distance 距离;航程
distance 距离跨度
distance-control boat 遥控艇
distance-difference measurement 测距差定位
distance-measuring radar 测距雷达
distance-sum measurement 测距和定位
distanceabeam 物标正横距离
distant collar 定距环
distant control gear 遥控装置
distant control 遥控
distant control 远距离控制
distant effect 距离效应
distant electric control 远距离电气操纵
distant indication 遥控指示
distant point 远点
distant range 远距离
distant reading compass 遥示罗经
distant reading type 遥测式
distant reading 遥测读数
distant reception 远距离接收
distant recording 遥测记录
distant regulator 遥测调节器
distant repeater 远距离复示器
distant signal 远距离信号
distant signals 远距离信号
distant starter 远距离起动器
distant surveillance 远距离监视
distant switching-in 远距离离合闸
distant voltage regulator 远功电压调整器
distant voyage 远程航行
distant 远的
distant 远的远隔的
distant-indicating instrument 遥控指示仪表
distant-reading manometer 遥测压力表
distant-reading manometer 遥读压力表
distant-reading tachometer 遥测转速表
distant-reading thermometer 遥测温度计
distemper brush 调漆刷
distemper paint 调合漆
distemper 水浆涂料
distil 蒸馏
distillate fraction 馏份
distillate test tank 蒸馏水检验柜
distillate 馏出物
distillate 蒸馏液
distillation characteristics 蒸馏特性
distillation methods 蒸馏法
distillation output 蒸馏产量
distillation plant 蒸馏装置
distillation range 蒸馏范围
distillation residue 蒸馏残余物
distillation 蒸馏蒸馏液
distillatory vessel 蒸馏器
distillatory 蒸馏的
distillatory 蒸馏的蒸馏器
distillatory 蒸馏器;蒸馏的
distilled water bottle 蒸馏水瓶
distilled water pump 蒸馏水泵
distilled water tank 蒸馏水柜
distilled water 蒸馏水
distilled 蒸馏的
distilled 蒸馏的;渗出的
distilled 蒸馏的蒸馏的渗出的
distiller column 分馏塔
distiller condenser 蒸馏装置冷凝器
distiller test tank 蒸馏水检验柜
distiller 凝结器
distiller 蒸馏器
distilling apparatus 蒸馏装置
distilling apparatus 蒸馏装置造水设备
distilling condenser 蒸馏凝水器
distilling condenser 蒸馏装置冷凝器造水设备冷凝器
distilling plant 蒸馏设备;造水装置
distilling plant 蒸馏装置
distilling plant 蒸馏装置造水装置
distilling ship 淡水供应船
distilling ship 淡水制造船
distilling ship 淡水制造船蒸馏水供给船淡水供应船
distilling system 蒸馏装置
distilling unit 蒸馏装置造水装置
distilling vessel 浮动造水站
distilling water tank 蒸馏水柜
distilling 蒸馏
distilling 蒸馏蒸馏的
distinct 各别的
distinction display apparatus 终端显示设备
distinction 差别
distinction 差别特征
distinctive mark 区别标记
distinctness 清晰度
distinguish 区别
Distinguishable Injury 可辩认的侵害
distinguished 显著的
distinguishing feature 特点
distinguishing flag 区别旗
distinguishing pennant 识别尖旗
distinguishing signal 识别信号
distinguishing symbol 识别符号
distinguishing test 辨别测试
distinguishing 显著的
distorsion 失真
distort 使失真
distort 歪曲
distorted wave 畸变波
distortion age of diurnal inequality 日潮不等龄
distortion and bias 失真和偏移
distortion bridge 测畸变电桥
distortion factor 失真系数
distortion of chart 海图变形
distortion 变形
distortion 波形失真
distortion 失真
distortionless 不失真的
distrain 扣押
distrainee 财产被扣押者
distrainer 扣押人
distrainment 扣押财产
Distress Acknowledgement 遇险确认
distress alerting and locating system 遇险信号和确定船位系统
distress alerting band in terrestrial medium frequency communication services 地球中频通信海难警戒波段
distress alerting band in terrestrial VHF communication services 地球甚高频通信海难警戒波段
distress alerting band of polar-orbiting satellites 绕极卫星海难呼救波段
distress alerting network 遇险报警网络
distress alerting 遇险报警
distress and rescue procedure 海难与救助程序
distress beacon 遇险信标
distress call apparatus 遇难呼救装置
distress call 海难紧急呼号
distress call 呼救信号
distress call 求救呼号
distress cargo 急运货物
distress cargo 急运货物遇难船货物
distress cargo 遇难船货物
distress channel 遇险频道
distress communication 遇险通信
distress flag 求救旗
distress flag 遇险信号旗
distress flare 遇险火焰信号
distress freight 低微运费
Distress Freight 削价运费
distress frequencies 遇险呼救频率
distress frequency 无线电频率遇险呼救频率
distress frequency 遇险呼救频率
distress gun 遇难炮
distress gun 遇难信号枪
distress incident 遇险事件
distress light 呼救灯号
distress light 遇难自动灯光
distress message generator 呼救信号发生器
distress message generator 呼救信号发生器遇险电文产生器遇险信息发生器
distress message generator 遇险电文产生器遇险信息发生器
distress message 遇难通报
distress message 遇难通信
distress message 遇难通信遇险信息
distress message 遇险信息
distress phase 遇险阶段
distress position 遇险位置
distress priority call 优先遇险呼叫
distress procedure 遇难求救程序
distress radio call system 遇险无线电呼叫系统
distress rocket 遇难火箭
distress rocket 遇险信号火箭
distress sale 扣押物拍卖
distress signal rocket 遇险信号火箭
distress signal station 救生信号站
distress signal 遇难信号
distress signal 遇险信号
Distress Signals 遇险信号
distress situation 遇险情况
distress system 遇险系统
distress telephone calls 遇险电话呼叫
distress telex calls 遇险电传呼叫
distress traffic 遇险通信
distress warrant 财产扣押令
distress 海难
distress 损坏事故
distress 灾难
distress-priority request message 遇险优先申请电文
distress-priorty request message 遇险优先申请电文
distressed British seaman 遇难的英国海员
distressed seaman 遇难海员
distressed ship 遇难船
distressed vessel 遇难船
distribute 分布分配
distribute 分布分配配电
distribute 分配
distribute 区分
distributed amplifier 分布放大器
distributed capacitance 分布电容
distributed capacity 分布电容
distributed computation 分布计算
distributed computer 分布式计算机
distributed computing 分布式计算
distributed constant circuit 分布常数电路
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